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Writer's pictureBidco International

From cotton to thread, an industry based on common sense (stages of the spinning industry)

Cotton spinning stages:

1 -The process of reaping the crop (harvesting): It is preferable to reap the crop immediately after the boll opens; Because if the collection is delayed for a long time, the cotton fibers will be exposed to wind, dust, and perhaps rain, which reduces their quality. It is also preferable to collect the fibers manually; This is because the manual method avoids collecting dirt and impurities, and it also distinguishes between ripe and immature ones, which makes it better than the mechanical method.

جنى ثمار القطن
Reaping the fruits of cotton after opening the boll manually
حلج وندف وكبس القطن قبل الغزل
Raw cotton goes through several stages, such as ginning and fluffing, in preparation for the spinning process

2 - The ginning process (ginning cotton): It is the process of separating the filaments from the seeds using special machines, as the seeds are used in the food industry, and the filaments are also used in various industries, including artificial silk.

3 - Cotton pressing process: After ginning, the cotton is taken to the presses and packed into bags (with machines) with international specifications for export or to be sent to spinning factories.

4 - The process of flocculation (lightening the bristles) and cleaning: The process of flocculation means separating the cotton bristles from each other and removing dirt and impurities by beating them with a special machine.

5 - The process of combing: It means arranging and styling the hairs in parallel. It also helps to stretch them and cut them into ropes ready for combing, then separating the impurities and short fibers, and turning the hairs into a strip called the combing strip.

6 - The combing process: This is an additional process performed on the hairs that are to be converted into fine woven fabric, as it removes the hairs that are not uniform in length and the hairs that are not arranged and unbalanced. It also shows the carding strips and cylinders that help in organizing and arranging the hairs.

تمشيط وتسريح القطن للغزل
Cotton goes through the process of combing and brushing to prepare the filaments and select the best ones

7 - The pulling process: After the pulling and carding process, each of the pulling strips is taken and inserted into a machine, where they are gathered and pulled into parallel and homogeneous strips. The more frequent the pulling process is, the better the texture will be obtained in the correct way.

برم القطن

8 - The twisting process: The goal of the twisting process is to gradually reduce the thickness of the tape, so that it pulls the tape into a thinner strip and gives enough twists to hold the filaments together. This is due to the importance of the final spinning process and it is called twisted tape.

9 - The final spinning process: It is the process of changing the final twisted tape into the yarn to be made. This tape is pulled by machines to reduce its size to the required number, then the process of twisting it to a degree that works to condense and compress the filaments towards each other, and then the yarn is wound on large conical rollers (cones). ) Or damage to your threads, as we notice in the final spinning process that the twists must give a great deal of cohesion to the filaments inside the yarn to give it the required durability; This is to withstand weaving operations. As for twisting operations, the aim is to obtain simple durability to withstand the process of winding on the bobbins that feed the spinning machines in the correct way.

مراحل صناعة غزل القطن
Stages of cotton yarn manufacturing



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