Information means power, and news means opportunity. It is very important, if you are interested in the field of spinning and weaving, that you learn about the Egyptian state’s strategy announced by the State Information Service towards developing one of the greatest aspects of industry and economy in Egypt.
In view of the challenges facing this sector, which is ranked second after the food industries sector, the state has been prompted to make efforts within its strategy aimed at development, and to take serious steps to move the field of the textile industry to the rank it deserves through the state’s interest in reintroducing the most important raw material in the world. The spinning industry has risen to a position that is commensurate with the desired ambition to improve Egypt’s position globally in terms of the textile industry.
Steps to expand cotton cultivation and improve its quality
In recent years, cotton cultivation has been subjected to extinction and neglect, which had the greatest impact on the decline of the Egyptian situation in terms of cotton production, the quality of which Egypt is distinguished by internationally. This prompted the Egyptian leadership to reconsider the revitalization of this important agriculture, so cooperation was established between the Ministries of the Business Sector and the Ministry of Agriculture to allow the cultivation of 10,000 people. Acres of short-staple cotton in cooperation with the armed forces and the private sector to suit modern machines.
The cultivation of short-staple cotton has already been tried in the East Owainat region on an area of about 219 acres, as well as harvesting to replace imports of short-staple cotton, which resulted in the average productivity of one acre reaching 9.85 quintals in 2021, and the cultivated area in 2022 reached about 250 acres, which saved Egypt’s imports. Of which the value is $2 billion annually.
Improving the performance of cotton gins
The project includes the establishment of 6 advanced gins to keep pace with global requirements for automatic ginning and purification of cotton from impurities and packing and wrapping cotton in a modern way, with a bar code placed on each bale that includes cotton data (growing region, name of the cotton holder, name of the gin, date of ginning, technical specifications for the felt cotton). A modern electronic device (HVI) was also introduced into the developed gins to measure the properties of cotton bristles and conduct moisture tests inside the gin.
Cotton trade
A new system for trading cotton was developed in cooperation with the Ministries of Agriculture, Trade and Industry, and was applied experimentally in a number of governorates throughout the years 2019 and 2020 until a decision was issued to circulate it nationwide in the 2021 season.
The system achieved positive results in improving and organizing the process of trading cotton through selling it in public auctions, and contributed to achieving complete transparency in determining the prices of cotton offered for sale and significantly reducing the phenomenon of importers and intermediaries between producers and companies, which negatively affects the market balance and farmers’ revenues, and improving the quality. And the purity of cotton in light of determining the price of a quintal according to the grade and purification rates, which prompted farmers to pay more attention to the cleanliness of their cottons, as well as enabling farmers to obtain a suitable price for their cottons by selling them in public auctions and quickly collecting their dues.
The new cotton trading system, whose implementation is supervised by the Misr Cotton Trade and Ginning Company affiliated with the Ministry of Public Business Sector, has succeeded in organizing and improving cotton sales and marketing operations nationwide, as well as achieving a balance between the interests of farmers and merchants.