The importance of training in the spinning sector
Like every field, its continuity, success, and progress are based on continuous modernization of all its aspects, modernization without which failure, weakness, and delay would occur. Modernization must include all aspects, not only material, but also moral, such as management style and workers’ skills.
Just as modernization is the spirit of progress, training is also the spirit of modernization, because if modernization in the field of industry in a common sense means developing mechanization, then what is the value of modern machines used by untrained workers?! Training qualifies the machine to work correctly. It qualifies it to work at its maximum power. It qualifies it to provide its highest productivity. It also qualifies it to survive and continue for the longest possible time. In fact, this means that it qualifies it to be more efficient than consuming. All of this and more is thanks to training and developing the skill of the workforce on this machine. .

The topics that must be focused on for the success of the training process
1 - The training should be in a group and individual manner. Spinning factories are among the factories in which workers are thousands by nature, as they contain large numbers of manpower.

Group training gives a motivational spirit as an encouraging energy to go through and complete the training period effectively, and this is in parallel with individual training according to the specialization of each worker, especially in specializations that are unique in themselves and require a great degree of focus and precision.
2 - The training should take enough time to bear the desired results. According to the American Warner Consulting Office’s program for training spinning workers, the training period should range from 3 to 6 months to be a sufficient period to gain new and good skills and establish them among the trainees.

3 - The training will include several axes, between training in the technical and skill aspects and training in the administrative, planning and marketing aspects in the field of spinning. That is, the training has two parts: a material part and a moral part for skills that are intangible but necessary to integrate with the tangible efforts inside the factory and between the machines.
4 - Training must be conducted by specialists to work on new machine models, preferably in the presence and supervision of representatives from the companies supplying these modern machines, even at least at the beginning of the training phase, so that the education is transmitted in a sound manner and basis.

5 - It is recommended that the trainee learn during the training period almost everything about the part that is the subject of his specialization and on which his training is focused, in addition to the importance of learning even a small part about the rest of the stages and the rest of the processes that are related and intertwined in one way or another with the trainee’s specialization so that true integration and harmony between everyone occurs on the one hand. During the manufacturing process, and on the other hand, in anticipation of any emergency, requirements, or developments during the course of the factory’s work, the nature of the work or the nature of some situations may require intervention, cooperation, and support from the workers of Section “B” to Section “A,” and so on.

6 - Allocate an incentive rewards program for workers who are committed to the training program and interact well, and grant rewards to those who excel.
7 - The training program must include the academic theoretical part for explanation and clarification to expand the worker’s understanding of the details to be learned and the practical field part for application, confirmation and testing of the new information.
8 - A section must be allocated to monitor and evaluate the results from among the team organizing the training process in order to prepare evaluation reports that show the extent of benefit from the training period and the extent of responsiveness and interaction that measures the readiness of employees to repeat training programs in the future, as well as monitoring the cost and return as a prelude to the upcoming training programs so that we benefit from the strengths and support them and avoid... Weak points and rehabilitate them. Among the most effective measurement methods are statistical methods, the most important of which are Cronbach’s alpha coefficient and simple linear regression analysis to measure the relationship between training and elements of employee performance efficiency.
9 - The most successful training programs are those that rely on the exchange of experiences between local spinning mills and foreign spinning mills, as this combination provides new opportunities for different ways and methods of thinking, not only from the technical and skill aspects, but also from the administrative and marketing aspects. Even if the cost of the training program is greater in this case, the The return is also clearly greater.
