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Distinctive export destinations
Asian countries
Africa countries
Gulf countries
The elements of our strategic export success
A successful export requires us to pay attention to several aspects, including :
1. *Understanding the market* : We directed several academic and field research to study and understand the target market, which included understanding consumer needs and a comprehensive analysis of the spinning & textile industry environment locally and globally.
2- * Product quality *: Our success on the global scene had no substitute for paying attention to the highest levels of quality in our yarn production to meet the requirements of international markets and compete effectively.
3- * Cost Management *: Our success in different markets required providing competitive prices characterized by relative stability despite the global economic challenges, which required attention to scientific management of costs to ensure achieving joint profitability between us and our customers.
4- *Logistics guidance*: Managing the shipping and supply chain in an effective and organized manner to ensure that products are delivered on time and as quickly as possible.
5- *Navigation and banking*: Dealing with the best shipping line companies and providing the highest levels of facilitation in banking transactions.
6- * Marketing guidance*: Having an effective marketing strategy based on understanding the cultural and economic needs of the market and providing the appropriate product accordingly.
7- * Disciplined commitment*: Full commitment to the required quantities and the agreed upon specifications, with all standards of discipline and accuracy, whether in the product itself or in the method of delivering it to the customer.
8- * After-sales service*: At Bidco International, we fully appreciate the value of paying attention to after-sales service by following up on the product even after giving it an added industrial value to ensure the extent of our customers’ satisfaction with our product on the one hand and to know the extent of the possibility of developing it on the other hand.
9- *Innovation and Development*: We fully believe that there is no success without modernization and development based on innovation and continuous keeping pace with the artistic and technical capabilities that technology offers us towards always providing the best product.
10-*Compliance with laws and regulations*: A law of our own that we impose on ourselves, which is that success will not come outside the framework of laws and regulations that would not restrict, but rather guarantee the success of the industrial and export process and present it in its best form in a way that gives success that has a lasting and profound impact because it is built on the basis correct.
International agreements approved by our company
Arab League
Euro One
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